
Peppermint Oil in Eye? – Home Remedies & Precautions 2024

Peppermint oil has become an increasingly popular natural remedy for a variety of ailments, including headaches, nausea, and sinus congestion. Some people have started using peppermint-oil for eye-related issues as well. But is it safe to use peppermint-oil in your eyes? Let’s take a closer look at the potential benefits and risks.

What Is Peppermint Oil?

Peppermint oil is extracted from the leaves of the peppermint plant, a hybrid of watermint and spearmint. It has a high concentration of menthol, which gives it a strong, refreshing minty aroma and a cool, tingling sensation when applied to the skin.

In addition to menthol, peppermint oil contains other active compounds like menthone and limonene. It has antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, and pain-relieving properties.

Peppermint oil is popularly used for:

  • Headache and migraine relief when applied to the temples and forehead
  • Nausea relief when inhaled or taken internally
  • Clearing nasal and sinus congestion when inhaled through steam or vapor rubs
  • Soothe itchy skin when diluted and applied topically
  • Alleviating muscle and joint pain when used in massage oils and rubs

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recognizes peppermint oil as safe for ingestion and topical application. However, there is limited research on its ocular use and effects.

Potential Eye Benefits of Peppermint Oil

There are a few ways that diluted peppermint-oil may aid eye health when used safely and properly. Potential benefits may include:

  1. Refreshing Tired Eyes

The menthol in peppermint oil triggers cold-sensitive receptors in the skin and mucous membranes, creating a cooling sensation. When diluted peppermint oil is applied around the eyes, it can provide a refreshing and rejuvenating sensation to tired, fatigued eyes. This may offer temporary relief and comfort.

  1. Reducing Eye Strain

Studies show that inhaling peppermint oil can help relieve headache and migraine pain. The cooling, anesthetic effect of menthol may help soothe strained eye muscles that contribute to headaches and eyestrain from overuse. Diluted peppermint oil dotted around the eyes may provide similar relief for eye tension and fatigue.

  1. Clearing Sinus Congestion

Peppermint oil is a popular remedy for clearing sinus congestion and pressure when inhaled. Since sinus issues often aggravate eye symptoms, using peppermint oil to clear nasal passages may also relieve associated eye discomfort.

  1. Antibacterial Properties

The antibacterial effects of peppermint oil may help prevent infection when used on the skin. Around the eyes, very diluted peppermint oil may protect against bacterial overgrowth and external eye infections like conjunctivitis. However, more research is needed.

While these potential benefits sound promising, it’s important to understand the risks and exercise caution when using peppermint oil near the eyes.

Is Peppermint Oil Safe for the Eyes?

There are a few important safety precautions regarding using peppermint oil for ocular problems:

  • Always dilute: Pure, undiluted peppermint oil must never come into direct contact with the eyeball or be applied on the eyelids. It must first be diluted sufficiently in a carrier oil to avoid injury.
  • Avoid eye drops: Peppermint oil should not be formulated into eye drops without medical guidance. Drops directly in the eye can be easily over-applied and are harder to control the concentration.
  • Do not ingest: Consuming peppermint oil may be toxic. It should never be taken by mouth for eye issues.
  • Use mild dilution for lids: The skin on the eyelids is very thin and delicate. Only a mild 3-5% dilution should be used here.
  • Rinse out immediately if stinging occurs: Though rare with proper dilution, rinsing with cool water can help diffuse any accidental eye irritation or burning sensation.
  • Watch for allergic reaction: Discontinue use if any irritation, rash, or puffy eyes develop, as you may be allergic.
  • Consult an optometrist: Get professional advice before using any DIY approach around the eyes. Improper use of essential oils can cause vision damage.

With responsible usage, most people can safely apply diluted peppermint oil externally around the eye area. But what about putting peppermint oil directly in your eyes?

Is It Safe to Put Peppermint Oil In Your Eyes?

There are many anecdotal claims online about putting a drop of peppermint oil directly in the eyes as a home treatment for various problems like itchiness, irritation, dryness, and more. However, we strongly advise against this risky practice without medical guidance.

Putting undiluted essential oils directly into the eye can cause severe burning, stinging, inflammation, allergic reactions, and permanent ocular damage. The peppermint compounds likely irritate the sensitive mucous membranes in the eyes.

In rare cases, menthol has also been shown to cause reversible corneal anesthesia and temporary vision impairment when applied directly to the eyes. Oil droplets may also disrupt the tear film and adhere to the ocular surface, causing blurred vision.

The eyes are incredibly fragile organs. You should never put any oil, herb, or solution into the eyes unless specifically instructed by an ophthalmologist or optometrist. Safely diluting and lightly dabbing peppermint oil externally around the bony eye socket is more advisable.

If wondering how to administer peppermint for an eye condition, always seek professional medical advice first.

Home Remedies for Eye Problems Using Peppermint Oil

When used with caution and care under guidance from your eye doctor, here are some home remedies for common eye ailments using diluted peppermint essential oil:

Soothe Eye Strain and Fatigue

  • Mix 3-5 drops peppermint oil with 2 tsp carrier oil like coconut or almond oil
  • Dip a clean cotton pad or cotton round in diluted oil
  • Gently wipe pad around closed eyes, avoiding direct contact with eyes
  • Discard pad after single use

Ease Eye Allergies and Itchiness

  • Add 4-5 drops of peppermint oil to a bowl of hot water
  • Drape a towel over your head to form a tent
  • Close your eyes and inhale the steam for 5-10 minutes
  • Keep your eyes closed and pat the area dry with a soft cloth

Clear Eye Congestion from Sinus Issues

  • Add 2-3 drops peppermint oil to 1 cup boiling water
  • Drape towel over head and carefully inhale steam with eyes closed
  • Use for 5 minutes 2-3 times a day

Soothe Tired, Irritated Eyes

  • Mix 1 drop of peppermint oil with 1 tsp of coconut oil
  • Using a clean fingertip, lightly dab the mixture on the skin under the eyes
  • Avoid touching the eyelids or eyes themselves

Always monitor for adverse reactions and stop use if any occur. See an optometrist or ophthalmologist for assessment before using peppermint oil around the delicate eye area.

Are There Any Alternatives to Peppermint Oil?

If you want to be extra cautious, there are some peppermint-free natural alternatives to consider for eye relief:

  • Warm compress– A warm, damp washcloth applied to closed eyes for 5-10 minutes can ease strain, allergy symptoms, and migraine pain.
  • Cool cucumber slices– Placing chilled cucumber slices over closed eyes delivers a cooling, hydrating effect to reduce puffiness and fatigue.
  • Chamomile tea bags– Used cold or warm, chamomile teabags can help soothe eye irritation and redness.
  • Aloe vera gel– The hydrating plant extract has anti-inflammatory properties to relieve itchy, irritated eyes when applied externally around the sockets.
  • Saline spray– Sterile saline solution mists help flush out eye irritants and provide moisture relief for dryness.
  • Eye drops– Over-the-counter eye lubricants and allergy relief drops can often successfully treat many common eye problems without any oils needed.

When in doubt, opt for these gentler alternatives. But speak to an eye doctor to address any persisting eye problems before attempting to treat them at home.

Key Takeaways on Peppermint Oil and Eyes

To summarize the top tips on using peppermint oil for eyes:

  • Always dilute peppermint oil properly before use around the eyes.
  • Never apply undiluted peppermint oil directly inside the eyes.
  • Lightly dabbing diluted oil externally around the eye sockets is safer than using eye drops.
  • Monitor for reactions and discontinue use if any irritation develops.
  • See an optometrist or ophthalmologist for guidance on usage and dosage.
  • Alternative remedies like warm compresses, cucumber slices, or eye drops may be gentler options.
  • Speak to a doctor for assessment and treatment of any persistent eye problems.

While its antibacterial and cooling effects may seem appealing, peppermint oil requires extremely cautious use around the delicate eyes and should not be applied near the eyes without direction from your eye doctor. With proper dilution and responsible usage, peppermint-oil can be safely incorporated into some at-home remedies for tired eyes, strain, sinus pressure, and other external eye conditions. But always consult an optometrist first and immediately contact your eye doctor if any worrisome eye symptoms develop.

Frequently Asked Questions about Peppermint Oil for Eyes

Here are answers to some common questions about using peppermint essential oil around the eye area:

  1. Can peppermint oil help pink eye?

There is no evidence that peppermint-oil can cure viral or bacterial conjunctivitis. Mild dilution and external application may provide some cooling comfort for eye itchiness. But pink eye requires medical treatment with prescription antibiotics or antiviral eye drops to resolve the infection. See an optometrist promptly if you suspect pink eye.

  1. Will peppermint oil help my dry, tired eyes?

Possibly, with responsible use. The refreshing minty sensation may temporarily rejuvenate fatigued eyes and provide comfort. But peppermint-oil should not replace lubricating eye drops and gels specifically formulated to hydrate dry eyes. See an eye doctor for dry eyes lasting over 2 weeks to rule out any serious condition.

  1. Can I use peppermint oil to remove a sty in my eye?

No, peppermint-oil cannot treat or remove styes. A stye is a blocked eyelash follicle that becomes inflamed and requires antibiotic ointment prescribed by a doctor. Never attempt to puncture or pop a stye at home. Warm compresses may provide some external soothing as it resolves over 1-2 weeks.

  1. Will peppermint oil help my child’s eye allergies?

Do not use any essential oil in or around a child’s eyes without medical approval. For eye allergy relief in children, try cool compresses or over-the-counter children’s antihistamine eye drops. See an optometrist or pediatrician if symptoms do not improve promptly with basic measures. Never give a child essential oils internally.

  1. How often can I use peppermint oil around my eyes per day?

Avoid overusing any essential oil around the delicate eye region. Limit peppermint oil use to 2-3 times daily at most. Monitor for any redness, stinging, or reactions as you incorporate it into a regimen. Discontinue use and see your optometrist if you have concerns.

  1. Are there any vision risks if I accidentally get peppermint-oil in my eyes?

Yes, there is a risk of injury if undiluted peppermint-oil makes direct contact with the eyes. Seek emergency care right away if you experience sudden vision changes, blurred vision, eye pain, or photosensitivity after exposure. Do not wait for symptoms to improve on their own. Prompt eye irrigation and medical attention are critical.


Peppermint-oil may offer some exterior benefits around the eye area when used cautiously. Its refreshing and antibacterial properties can potentially soothe strained eyes, clear sinus pressure, and prevent external eye infections. However, peppermint-oil must always be properly diluted and applied lightly around the bony eye sockets only. Never place undiluted peppermint oil directly into the eyes, as this can cause severe damage.

Always consult your eye doctor before attempting to use peppermint-oil to treat any eye conditions at home. With responsible usage under medical guidance, peppermint oil can be incorporated into remedies that may enhance eye health and comfort. But when in doubt, opt for gentler alternatives like warm compresses, cucumber slices, eye drops, or saline rinses to safely care for your vision and eyes.

Faizan Ahmad

Faizan Ahmad is a passionate medical writer and health enthusiast. He joined Quick Medico in 2023 as a place to provide reliable information and resources about health, diseases, and wellness topics.

Now as the editor-in-chief of Quick Medico, Faizan leads a team of experienced medical writers and health professionals. His goal is to make complex health topics easy to understand and provide readers with practical information to improve their health and well-being.

Outside of work, Faizan enjoys being in nature, reading non-fiction books, and spending time with friends and family. He brings his natural curiosity and passion for lifelong learning to every article he writes or edits for Quick Medico. Faizan lives in Islamabad, Pakistan, and looks forward to continuing to grow Quick Medico into a leading health information site that empowers readers to take control of their health.

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